Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Returns to Las Vegas after Two Year Hiatus

This isn’t just a race, it’s the ultimate running party in the entertainment capital of the world. In the city where everything is bigger and brighter, we’ve brought you the only race where you can stay out all night and sleep all day. This party doesn’t start until the sun goes down. 

Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas event returned to the strip following a two-year hiatus. 

Saturday runners could participate in a 5k in downtown Vegas while the main event was held Sunday for the 10k and half-marathon. In total 35,000 runners participated this weekend. 

Race director Nicole Christenson said 92% of the runners are from out of state.

“I was born and raised in Las Vegas so as a native this event like holds very close to my heart. I feel like there’s just an energy in big events coming back to Vegas and so I’m so excited we can be one of the first to hold something big and on the strip at night,” Christenson said.

The Strip only shuts down for New Years and this event.

The men’s overall half-marathon winner was Justin Kent from Vancouver, Canada. 

“Oh I love it, it’s my first time here so kind of blown away being able to run down the strip is a pretty cool experience,” Kent said.

Local star Ellie Stevens won the women’s overall half-marathon. She’s originally from England but lives in Vegas now. She’s worked years to achieve this goal. 

“I have run this race for so long and I am so excited to win it. Like I’ve wanted to win it for so many years and I’ve always been sixth or eighth but it’s just so excited to win at home,” Stevens said.

The race director said the race event will be held in February from now on.

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