Will Self Driving Cars Take Over Las Vegas?

Self Driving Cars have been operating in Las Vegas since 2017. Lyft, BMW, and Aptiv have partnered up to launch a self-driving car service via the Lyft app and it’s working very well. On most busy day’s there can be up to 20 cars roaming around Las Vegas picking up passengers for its self-driving car service that might soon one day take over taxi’s and regular Uber and Lyft divers all together.

Is it Safe?

The cars have a chaperone to assist in heavy traffic and maneuvering in tricky spaces that need additional assistance from the drive to avoid accidents. There are two Aptive employees in the front seats. This leaves just three passengers in the back seat. The front passenger is a tech lead that gathers data and makes sure the autonomy is operating as it should.

Aptiv – Las Vegas
Aptiv – Las Vegas

How it Works on the Strip

When ordering a Lyft at McCarren Airport you should see a pop-up in the app that will inform you of the Self-Driving cars that are available to you if you opt into the program. You also can opt-out if you feel that you’re not ready to try it out.

When you’re ready to get a Lyft from any Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip you may get a notice that a Self-Driving car is available in your area. You then simply accept the ride and the car will come and get you.

Aptiv – Las Vegas

But will Self-Driving Cars Take Over The Las Vegas Strip?

Probably not. The public perception of Self-Driving cars is still in the early stages of development and acceptance that is years away from becoming a self prevalent form of transportation that is accepted by just about everyone. Although having a car that drives itself flawlessly in the hustle and bustle of everyday life would beneficial for catching up on your favorite tv program or checking emails on your way to work, giving you a way to use your time more efficiently in your commute. But will it ever take over regular driving on the streets? It could be a possibility in the future of tech. But for now, it’s just a pet project that has worked its way into mainstream consumers. Offering an alternative method of transportation without any effort or fuss about whats the shortest route to take and maneuvering through traffic.

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